What exactly is staking?

Staking is a consensus process that works similarly to bitcoin mining but without computer capacity. It entails keeping funds locked up in a wallet used to validate and execute transactions on a Blockchain network.

Simply put, you'll get paid for storing your money in a safe place. Is that easy? You might wonder. The answer is yes. Staking may be done in various ways, including for newcomers on Venera Swap.

The History of Staking

Due to the controversy about the significant energy consumption that "conventional" mining required to confirm network transactions, Sunny King and Scott Nadal proposed the proof of participation or Proof of Stake (PoS) in 2012.

Proof of Work (PoW) is the consensus process sometimes referred to as "mining." It entails "immobilizing monies" by investing in specialized mining equipment and spending energy to confirm transactions on the Blockchain network.

Now, King and Nadal wonder if it would be preferable to put these monies into a smart contract that does the same purpose without burning energy instead of investing in equipment.

What is the definition of a consensus mechanism?

To be decentralized, a network must overcome the problem of confidence among its members. It is accomplished through consensus procedures, which ensure that transactions are completed and recorded as planned without the need for a trusted intermediary.

Proof of Stake, how does it work?

There are transactions in any Blockchain network that pay a commission to the web to gain access to the right to be verified; these are the ones that the miner receives as payment for their efforts.

To receive this incentive in PoW, a miner must compete to find a number called "nonce" before the rest of the miners, which provides him the privilege of inserting that block in the blockchain while also keeping the reward, it is made up of new bitcoins, as well as the commissions.

Instead, with PoS, miners are known as validators, and they are picked at random by the protocol. They do not compete with one another.

The more locked cryptocurrency you have, the older you are, and the better your reputation, the more likely you are to be picked to forge a new block and retain the commissions. No further tokens are issued in PoS because they have all been pre-mined.

It's worth noting that there isn't a unified PoS protocol because each project can add its own rules to maintain network security.

Staking cryptocurrencies has many benefits:

  • It has a lower entry barrier because it does not need specialist mining equipment and has more liquidity.
  • If a validator tries to carry out a 51 percent assault in PoS, he risks losing all participation and being left empty-handed. Still, in PoW, he keeps the equipment even if the price of the attacked coin approaches zero.
  • PoS has the potential to be the answer to high energy usage.
  • Miners' participation means a less quantity of tokens on the market.

Staking cryptocurrency has certain drawbacks:

  • Maintaining a PoS node necessitates technical knowledge to keep it safe from hackers and up to current. However, its duty may be assigned.
  • There are minor obstacles to entering and leaving, so if validators lose interest in one network, they may migrate to another at a cheaper cost than PoW.
  • Validators must hand over control of their tokens

The best Proof of Stake initiatives

1. Staking Ethereum (ETH)

While Ethereum now employs the PoW consensus process to validate transactions, it began migrating to the PoS consensus mechanism a few years ago to make the network more scalable and secure. It is expected to be completed in 2022.

2. Staking Cardano (ADA)

It calls itself a third-generation blockchain that focuses on scalability, interoperability, and sustainability, and it is a direct rival to Ethereum.

3. Staking a Venera Swap 

It is an innovative contract platform that promises to be the quickest in the blockchain industry and has the most validators, ensuring that any proof of stake protocol operates appropriately.

Where can I stake my claim?

1. Working as a self-employed validator

It configures, maintains, and protects a validator from hacking requiring technical skills. It must be available on a server 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because the protocol chooses it and it is not available at that time, you will incur a penalty that will be taken from your blocked tokens as a punishment, and your reputation will be harmed.

2. Take part in a staking pool

They're groups of people who pool their cryptocurrency to maximize their chances of getting picked as validators and obtaining a reward. The pool administrator will take a portion of the price as a charge for keeping it up to date.

3. Wallet staking

Venera wallet is a wallet that makes it easy to access the main Staking pools. You transfer your tokens directly from your wallet to the collection of your choice, and you will begin getting prizes when the pool's specified period has passed.

4. Investing in stock exchanges

Staking on an exchange (like Venera Swap ) is the best method for beginner users. The returns will be reduced, but you will have more security and liquidity in your position as a result.

It ensures that you have your tokens when you need them. Venera Swap is the primary exchanges that provide Staking.


Although the Proof of Work protocol has been chastised for its excessive energy usage, it is without a doubt the safest methodology to date.

One of the crypto community's key concerns is to make a blockchain network both safe and scalable, and progress has been made in second-layer initiatives in this regard.

In this sense, Proof of Stake aspires to be a first-layer solution, even though its recent development has been prevented. It demonstrates its potential in the face of the numerous challenges that a network must overcome to be effectively decentralized, scalable, and secure at the same time.

Are you ready to make a passive income with DeFi Staking? Check yourself out!
What are miners called in PoS?
Master of Ceremony
PoS miners are called validators
What are the best Proof of Stake initiatives?
ETH, ADA, Venera Swap 
Where can you stake your claim?
Take part in a staking pool;
Working as a self-employed validator; Wallet staking
On federal lands managed
Investing in stock exchanges
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